

500 East Fourth Street #484,
Austin, TX 78701

214.  801.  8521.

Click here (to open your email server)
or it is: camber – at –

If you call, there is a chance you will get voice mail. Today Bruce Camber will most often answer the telephone. In the future, it could be a teacher, a student, a volunteer or an associate of The Big Board – little universe Project.

We invite you to  become part of this project; please say “hello.”.

We will all try to be responsive. We want to be available to everyone who has an interest in this project.

When we began this project in 2011, Bruce shared with us a dream he has had since 1994 to introduce HAL within his other websites by 2001. No kidding!  Though missing that goal, he said, “Some day we’ll implement speech recognition technology. Instead of voice mail, calls will be transferred to an intelligent hub within our web site so natural language speech recognition programs can ask — How can we help you? — and guide our callers through the web site to get the information they need. If somebody wanted to leave a message, they would have that option, too.”

Even after all these years, he says, “I’ll just  have to keep dreaming!”

The technology has been in the market since about 1990!  It shouldn’t be too much longer.  Just think how it must have improved over all these years! Moving it into the web must still be a little hurdle, so Bruce just keeps on dreaming.

And, until then, there is always snail mail, email, texting and social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Skype and FaceTime.  Soon there will also be many more different kinds of social media mechanisms to make contact.

We’ll implement as many as we can.

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